
How Safe Are Your Strings?


Source: https://www.facebook.com/knitsforlife


A question about using plain text strings for passwords was recently asked on /r/PowerShell. The poster was making a wrapper for LastPass’s CLI and wanted to know if they should be using [System.Security.SecureString] objects. This question gets asked often and my stock answer is to always use [SecureString] objects to house secrets in memory regardless of how frequently the secret is converted from or to a plain text string.

My stock answer has had some pushback in the past. The problem is that when you do convert a [SecureString] to a normal string, that string object now exists in memory as plain text. If you know anything about how the CLR garbage collector works, you will know that the string may even hang around in memory long after the variable that housed it has been destroyed or overwritten in the code. Effectively, once you convert a [SecureString] to a normal string, the plain text secret can reside in memory until the program/script exits. The argument against using [SecureString] objects that will be converted to and from plain text is that it adds a level of complexity to the code for no effective gain.

This argument makes my eye twitch every time I see it. I’m a huge proponent of layered security and believe that security should be baked into every level of the stack every with chance possible. The idea is that we never know where our code will end up and we do not want our code to be the weak link in the chain. While the blame rests with the person who uses your insecure code in their sensitive environment, I don’t think we are totally without fault if we didn’t make an effort to be secure in the first place.

This is especially true with password manager wrappers. I have reviewed no less than 40 PowerShell based password manager wrapper modules and scripts in the past 2 years. The overwhelming majority of them are not using [SecureString] objects. When the lack of [SecureString] usage is pointed out that “inefficient complexity” argument  invariably rears its head.

“Mark, [SecureString] objects should never be converted to plain text the first place!” Let me remind you PowerShell is glue. It is being used to glue together various APIs. Many of these APIs are not Windows native or local and therefore don’t accept [SecureString] objects. This makes it necessary to convert the [SecureString] to plaintext and either submit it as plain text or encode it in some way. Also, sometimes we are accepting secrets from APIs, such as OAuth access tokens, and we don’t want these sitting around as plain text. It becomes necessary to convert back and forth quite a bit.

I wanted to see what can be done about this and to get a deeper understanding of the problem myself. In this post I will go in-depth with when and where [SecureString] objects give up their plain text secrets and how we can add some security around that process. This post will likely be a stretch for those new to PowerShell and is not intended as an introductory how-to.


Let’s Kill Write-Output


I think it is time we put down our old friend Write-Output for good. That’s right, Write-Output and not Write-Host. You should definitely not be using Write-Host outside of functions beginning with the Show- verb in console driven PowerShell apps, but I’m not here to kill off Write-Host. No, my target is Write-Output.

What is this craziness I’m speaking? Well, if I went back in time to 10 months ago and told myself not to use Write-Output, I would think my future self had gone mad. In fact, my journey towards murdering Write-Output began around that time.  There was a post in the /r/PowerShell  (sadly, I can’t find it in my history) where I was “correcting” someone for not using Write-Output. This prompted another user to link me to this discussion. At first I rejected the notion, but over time I came to embrace it. And today, I think I was crazy for not killing it off sooner.

What I’m saying here wont be new or revolutionary. My only hope with this post is to expose others to the issues with Write-Output and contribute to its demise.

What’s my beef with Write-Output? There are three concerns I have about using Write-Output: Performance, “Security”, and a “False Sense of Security”.

Before you begin, please understand that this is not an introduction-level PowerShell topic. This post was written with experienced PowerShell users and those who provide guidance and training to novice PowerShell users in mind. Also, this post is not specifically about console output, but about the use of the Write-Output command in general and its common use for “putting objects in the pipeline” (e.g. to “return” objects from a function). Most of it applies whether the objects ultimately go to the console or not. The only section dealing with console output is the Text Output section. Even then, the output for the targeted scenarios is more often a log file than it is a console.


Permission Granted: Using SharePoint Online, Flow, Azure Automation and PowerShell to Automate OneDrive for Business Permission Requests


A few weeks ago a request came through to create a group that would have full access to all OneDrive for Business accounts in our Office 365 Tenant. I’m am patently against blanket access to things, even for administrators. It turns out the goal was to enable our Service Desk staff to manage user’s OneDrive’s as we ramp up our adoption rate through various “to the cloud” projects in the works.

We have a very small team who have admin rights to our SharePoint Online and we are wary of granting frontline technicians admin rights to it as it is a complex beast and there is sensitive data to consider. Currently, all requests to access another user’s OneDrive requires an escalation to that small team. This creates a constraint that isn’t much of a problem today, but will become one as our adoption rate grows.

I identified two user stories we needed to support:

  1. IT Technicians needing temporary access to a user’s OneDrive to assist them with various tasks
  2. Users needing to access the OneDrive of another user permanently (e.g. a manager needing access to the OneDrive of an employee on Extended leave)

We already have automation built into our leaver process which grants managers access to their leaver subordinate’s OneDrive for 30 days. Unfortunately, that functionality is tightly coupled with the leaver process so it can’t really be used for these two user stories.

I am a big fan of SharePoint lists. They make it really easy to make a web based form and tracking mechanism that can support RBAC. I’m also real big on PowerShell automation. I have quite a bit of automation involving both in production. One thing I don’t like is that most of this automation is on a scheduled basis and not a trigger basis. I noticed that SharePoint Online now has triggers for Microsoft Flow and that Microsoft Flow added the ability to run Azure Automation Runbooks. So that’s where I decided to go.

This blog will cover the temporary admin access solution. It’s intended to be more of an overview and not a deep dive or tutorial. This is a PowerShell blog, but most of this post will be taken up by Flow as it is the glue of the solution. However, I won’t go into great detail of Flow either.