
PowerShell Core 6.1 Web Cmdlets Roadmap



Recently the PowerShell Team published their PowerShell Core 6.1 Roadmap. Several questions have come up about 6.1 plans for Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod. You may have noticed there is no mention of the Web Cmdlets in their roadmap. That is because the majority of the feature work for the cmdlets is being done by yours truly. As I am a community member and not a Microsoft employee, it would make sense that my work is not included in their blog. Anyway, I felt it was a good idea to share what I have in store for the next 6 months.

I should warn that this is more accurately called "Mark Kraus's PowerShell Core 6.1 Web Cmdlets Wish List" rather than a roadmap. I only have 2 features that are pretty much approved. The rest will depend on whether or not the changes actually get accepted. Also, I'm not part of any team working on this. It's just me and the issue queue back log of feature requests and bugs. If your company wants to hire me to work full time on the Web Cmdlets, then hit me up. Otherwise, this is all a side project for me and life happens. So please don't hold me to any deadlines! :)


New Feature for 6.1: Resume Partial Downloads with Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod



I’m excited to announce a new feature for Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod that will ship with PowerShell Core 6.1.0: Resume Downloads!

This is a feature that has been requested many times throughout the years and I’m please to say that it will be included in the next release of PowerShell Core. You should be able to preview the feature in 6.1.0-preview.2.

You can se the code changes in PR #6447.


Peanut Butter and Chocolate: Azure Functions CI/CD Pipeline with AWS CodeCommit (Part 6 of 6)


Part 6

In Part 5 we configured the AWS CodeCommit to trigger the AWS Lambda when a commit is made to the master branch of the repository. Effectively, our CI/CD pipeline is in place. To use it properly, we first need to add a cc2af.yml configuration file. After the configuration file is there, we can push out first Azure Function to our AWS CodeCommit repository and our AWS Lambda will be triggered and start a manual deployment on the Azure Functions Web App.

We will finish out the series in this post with demonstrating an automatic deployment from AWS CodeCommit to Azure Functions and triggering our Azure Function all from PowerShell.

Series Table of Contents


Peanut Butter and Chocolate: Azure Functions CI/CD Pipeline with AWS CodeCommit (Part 5 of 6)


Part 5

Sorry for the delay between part 4 and 5! I was at the Microsoft MVP Summit this past week and didn’t have time to devote towards updating. This series is nearing completion with just a few more parts to go.

In Part 4 we published the AWS Lambda and created the AWS KMS Key that will be used for encrypting and decrypting secrets. In Part 5 we will configured the AWS CodeCommit repository trigger to invoke the AWS Lambda and encrypt our secrets to store in in the cc2af.yml file.

Series Table of Contents


Peanut Butter and Chocolate: Azure Functions CI/CD Pipeline with AWS CodeCommit (Part 4 of 6)


Part 4

In Part 3 we successfully made the first glue between Azure Functions and AWS CodeCommit by making it possible to manually trigger the Azure Functions Web App to pull from the AWS CodeCommit repository. Obviously, a manual pull is not ideal. It is certainly not a Continuous Delivery.

In Part 4 we lay the groundwork for the 2nd piece of glue between Azure Functions and AWS CodeCommit. In order to automatically trigger a pull AWS CodeCommit from Azure Functions, we need an AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda and Azure Functions are somewhat analogous. They serve almost identical purposes in their respective clouds. We also need to create a KMS key that will be used for encrypting and decrypting secrets.

Series Table of Contents