
Peanut Butter and Chocolate: Azure Functions CI/CD Pipeline with AWS CodeCommit (Part 3 of 6)


Part 3

In Part 2 we created the Azure Functions Web App and the AWS CodeCommit repository. In Part 3 we will make the initial deployment from AWS CodeCommit to Azure Functions. To do that we need to create an AWS IAM User Account, grant it access to the CodeCommit repository, generate HTTPS Git Credentials for the user, and configure the Azure Functions Web App external git deployment. By the end of this post, we will be able to manually deploy from AWS CodeCommit to Azure Functions on demand. This is a critical step to make automating the process possible.

This part will be short and sweet. I want to keep the relevant pieces together regardless of their length.

Series Table of Contents


Peanut Butter and Chocolate: Azure Functions CI/CD Pipeline with AWS CodeCommit (Part 1 of 6)

Source: 1981 Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Advertisement


This blog series will cover a Proof of Concept (POC) Project for creating a PowerShell-based Azure Functions CI/CD pipeline where the code is stored in AWS CodeCommit git-based version control system. The pipeline will be created and deployed using Windows PowerShell 5.1. Every step of the pipeline deployment process will be verified with Pester tests. The result of the project will be the ability to push changes to an AWS CodeCommit repository and those changes will be automatically deployed to Azure Functions.

This blog series is targeted at intermediate level PowerShell users and basic PowerShell concepts will not be described in detail. Also, this series will require some basic understanding of both Azure and AWS clouds and their PowerShell based management. Git and C# .NET Core are also leveraged in this project but they will not be covered in depth as this is a PowerShell-centric blog. Readers need only be familiar with basic concepts of git and C#.

Series Table of Contents